In The Netherlands
Posted on: Oct 31, 2017

Dogs and cats in the Netherlands


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Undoubtedly, The Netherlands, is a paradise for your pets and a living hell for you who owns them. While there are many freedoms regarding their transportation and the animation (infinite parks where they can run even without a lease), the cost to own one has become is not so low.

When i stepped into the Netherlands, i was first impresses with how easily you can move your dog ​​by public transportation without having at first a fight with the conductor or someone on board with a strange "allergy". You can take the tram, bus, metro or even the train and hang out with your dog, who oddly does not pay a ticket fee and travel everywhere.

What you need to do first, when you decide to bring your pet here or adopt one, is to take care to put the chip. It is necessary for your pet to have it in case it got lost but also because you are obliged by law. Look upon the street, outside the province of that tour cats in their yards, you'll notice that there are no stray animals. So when some time getting your eye no , shouted it, see when wearing ID phone number and if so, alerted the owner who will probably looking anxiously .

Your pet should definitely have a passport, dogs, cats and ferrets (!) who travel abroad with their owners must have a pet passport (EU-dierenpaspoort) by the veterinarian.

If you want to travel by airplane and want to take it with you, ask before booking the ticket if the plane has a special place for your pet. If it's a small-sized (usually under 5kg along with the shipping box) depending the airline, you can take it with you on the plane otherwise you have to give it to as a luggage. The price of a ticket is equal with a price for an extra luggage.

What to do if you lose your pet

Call the local line "Lost Pet" (Dierenkwijtlijn). If your pet has a chip, you should mention his number.

If your pet is lost:
Put a photo to as fast as possible, along with some of its features and the area that is missing.
First asked the neighbors to have in mind if they see it. Dogs and kittens circulate in familiar areas usually around the house.
Cats that are accustomed to staying indoors are usually hidden in holes in walls, in buildings and under cars.

Selters: Animal Shelter Amsterdam, Ookmeerweg 271, Amsterdam, tel 0900-2007207 ( Monday / Saturday from 10:00 to 16:00 ), Animal Amsterdam-Noord/Oostzaan South End 220 Oostzaan, tel 020-6335400 (only cats!) Monday / Saturday from 13.00-15.30, Animal Amstelveen, Kostverlorenweg 12, Amstelveen, tel 020-6431440 Monday / Saturday from 13:00 to 16:00 hours in advance by phone, Poezenboot Singel 40, Amsterdam, tel 020-6258794

You can also contact: The Animal Rescue, tel 020-6262121, Police, give the missing dog also at the nearest police station. By phone 0900 - 8844 can connect you to the appropriate law enforcement agency. To one of the shelters by the CFP, you can call tel. 020-4605858 and ask the lost and found for information. Amivedi, telephone Amivedi Amsterdam is: - for cats: 088-0064660 and for dogs: 088-0064656, Amivedi Amstelveen 088-0064655 or visit, (national website), (look under heading strays),

For more information about the chip, you can visit .

Veterinarians and insurances

If you have a dog or a cat, then you will already have realized the high prices of veterinarians. A visit for a simple check up starts at 40 euros and can cost much more. That's why it's good to insure your favorite animal from the beginning (yes, you've read correctly!). The insurance is not expensive, but it does not cover the whole amount and the medicines 100%. You can choose among different packages, which their prices vary according to the percentage they cover. Watch out for small prints, that's what you will pay for. Talk to your insurance and your vet to see if they collaborate. If you don’t think it is a good idea think that it covers cases such as surgery or accident, that costs hundreds of euro and it is difficult to cover fees like these by yourself.


Most cities in the Netherlands are charging a annual dog tax (hondenbelasting). Prices vary, while dogs must also be subscribed to the local town hall upon arrival. There are no other animals, such as cats, requiring registration or tax.

Pitbull and lifting the ban

Dutch Agriculture Minister Gerda Verburg announced the abolishing of the ban of property and breeding pit bull terriers and related breeds. The ban was made in 1993 when three children were bitten to death by a pit bull terrier.

Here there is a list with all the animals are allowed in the Netherlands.

Walking with a dog

Dutch have fines for those who do not clean up after their dogs do their need. So make sure you are equipped with the special bags (with hearts or not) to do it in style. Besides, you like the city to be clean too!

In the Netherlands, the owner or keeper of an animal is primarily responsible for its well-being, and there are regulations and governmental requirements for it. For example, there are strict rules on the abuse of animals. You can see more here.

If you don’t comply with the rules, you might end up paying fines . You can see the fines here.

What you will not read in any site is how it's hard to find a house if you own a dog. Specific a dog and no a cat , and this will be noticed from the beginning of your search, in the ads that say clearly "no dogs allowed". The bigger the dog, the bigger your problem, because no one wants "damage" inside their houses. So forget how much dog-friendly the Dutch are and keep it in mind this when you are looking for a house.

A pet is a very nice companion on the cold days of the winter (and the sping and the autumn and the “summer” :P) that you are forced to stay inside. Just do not overdo it and do not think selfishly. Before you decide adopting one, remember that it is a great responsibility and it takes a lot of your time, your money and your attention.

Johnnys Garage

Designer, marketer & a social media karate kid (No 4). When she grows up, she wants to feed the world with Greek food & Frappe. Admires the yellow angry bird because it strikes its targets with power and precision.