Expat zone
Posted on: Sep 05, 2014

Where is home to me


This post is also available in Greek

In this article, Expat Nest shares the story of Alkmini, a Greek-born expat living in London. She describes what home is to her, how the meaning of ‘home’ has changed for her over time and how she developed the resiliency to cope with the confusion around that key question for so many expats: where is home?

I’m writing this while at home. Having been an expat for almost six years, finding ‘home’ has been a real adventure, and this is my story (which is maybe similar to yours).

I was born and grew up in Athens, Greece, and have lived in London for the past six years. When I first came to London, I thought of myself as a traveller on a long trip – I was discovering a new place and then I would go home, back to where I came from, where my family and friends lived. After the first year, I decided I was extending the stay – my trip was not over yet – so I could further explore this new world and then I’d go home.

My London stay, however, turned out not to be a vacation, but the beginning of a new life with rather long-term career plans. It took me years, though, to realize that London was not a travel destination to me anymore; Athens was. When I finally understood this, there was one question left in my mind: ‘So, where is home?’ Despite how much I loved Athens, I sometimes felt a foreigner in my hometown, I did not have a regular phone number on my return trips, and my wifi did not automatically connect.

Home (that is, Athens) has always defined my existence and when I found out that I needed to rediscover my sense of home, I was deeply shocked. Looking back, it probably took me about three years to realize that home was no longer where I thought it to be, and another two to overcome the shock of this realisation and discover the new home. The process that brought me to where I am today was painful, but also valuable.

I feel at home now in London, and this is mainly because I live with people I love: my partner, Nikolas, and some very good friends. I also live in an area I love, where I can find all the (simple) things that make me happy (like small balconies, smiling neighbors, pistachio ice cream and yoga classes). Finally, I work in a place I always wanted to, with people I admire and deeply respect.

Julia, a friend from London, once told me that I need to "come to terms" with where I am. I achieved that only when I realised there were so many people (like her!) and things I loved right where I was, that I did not even need to come to terms with my new life! This was not a compromise, but the very moment when I got out of the waiting room and into real life.

All in all, I am the same person, but I’ve found out that, unlike trees, I am remote. Realising that I can be myself and find myself in different places, I have finally found home, and in case I leave again, I will take this insight with me.

It would be a lie to say that I do not want to go back to Athens at some point in my life, because I do. But till then, I will stay at home.

Find out more about Expat Nest at www.expatnest.com

Mike Klianis

Vivian Chiona is the founder of Expat Nest (www.expatnest.com) which promotes the emotional well-being of expats, by providing online counselling services. Expat Nest supports expats facing challenges and who want to feel happier and more relaxed, by offering services which are reliable, flexible and just a click away!

Vivian is a registered psychologist with Masters degrees in both Child & Adolescent Psychology and Health Psychology. She is school counsellor at the British School in The Netherlands and a taskforce member of the International School Counsellor Association. She also does project-based training for the Council of Europe’s Pestalozzi Programme and is a facilitator for their online Community of Practice. A multilingual bicultural and expat with family all over the world, Vivian herself feels most at home in the international community and is inspired by its diversity.