Posted on: Sep 20, 2016

Interview and tips for proper diet from the nutritionist Maria Kyriazi

Mike Klianis

This post is also available in Greek

Maria Kyriazi offers dietetics and nutrition services in Amsterdam and surroundings (of the Netherlands).

Although she is busy , you will find her offering voluntarily her services to the Greek Community of Amsterdam but also offering valuable advice in private practice.

Mary, you are dealing with nutrition and dietetics. What services do you offer?

The services that I offer are: Body composition analysis (fat measurement), using machine, measurement of body weight and regions (average, current, bracket) for better assessment of the client's progress and particularly and nutritional education.

Nutritional programs for: Adult and childhood obesity, weight gain, maintaining body weight, sports nutrition, pathological conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, gastrointestinal diseases, kidney diseases etc. and pregnancy, lactation.

All diet programs are individualized, taking into account various factors as age, sex, height, weight, food preferences, physical activity, working hours, social activity and of course the individual's health status.

What nutritional problems may face someone who moves to the Netherlands or stay here?

Nutritional problems when someone comes to the Netherlands, do not differ from those that can have wherever he is, if not giving priority to proper diet and because of the long lasting everyday activities he neglects it.

How important is proper nutrition and how you can help in this?

Proper diet is very important not only to maintain the ideal body weight of each person, but also to prevent the occurrence of a number of diseases and in addition it can cure others that might have already appeared. Nutritional education is perhaps the most important part of my services, an education that everyone should acquire if he shows respect to himself.

How different is the diet here from Greece?

Dutch nutritional habits are quite different from our own both at the hours and the flavors. Their nutrition includes mainly milk, sandwiches, omelets, juices, sausages and a variety of cold cuts. Fries are not missing from their diet, accompanied by ketchup, mayonnaise, sauces and other flavorings. The diet in Greece is based on olive oil and Greek cuisine includes many oily foods such as green beans, eggplants, okra, zucchini and all vegetables cooked with olive oil or eaten raw, as a salad with olive oil, too. Pulses play an important role in the diet (dried beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils) and various species of fish and meat.

What advice do you give to a Greek who moves to the Netherlands?

Not to forget the Mediterranean cuisine. Besides, it is an eating pattern adopted by non Mediterranean people, as well.

How did you decide to give part of your time and help the Greek Community of Amsterdam; Has anyone visited you there?

It is in my nature to be generous and I love to offer to others. My volunteer work will initially bring me closer to people of the same nationality as well as with other nationalities. In this way, I will have the pleasure to offer my knowledge to those in need of my expertise in a place that everyone knows. I have already been visited by some. With time, they would visit me more after being informed for my voluntary presence in the community.

How can someone communicate with you?

Anyone interested can contact me via e-mail: [email protected] and cell phone: 0682963728.


Designer, marketer & a social media karate kid (No 4). When she grows up, she wants to feed the world with Greek food & Frappe. Admires the yellow angry bird because it strikes its targets with power and precision.