Peas with chicken is a very healthy approach to eating. You have everything you need in one plate, flavor, vitamins, energy! This, has never been one of my favourite foods. When my Mum was cooking it, i was running away to hide, until recently.
It is cheap, delicious and very easy to cook. Traditionally made using fresh peas, however you can use frozen peas for convenience, although it won't have quite the same fresh flavour.
What you will need
- 1 chicken cut in portions - ½ cup olive oil - 500 gr peas (fresh or frozen) - if you want you can add potatoes or carrots - 1 onion finely chopped - 2 cloves garlic - 5-6 tomatoes finely cut - 1 teaspoon sugar - ½ cup of wine - salt and pepper
How we cook it
Clean and wash the chicken well. Season it with salt and pepper. Chop also the onions, the garlic and the potatoes and carrots, if you want to add also.
Put oil in a pot and saute the chicken pieces well, together with the garlic and the onions. Let them brown for about 10 minutes.
Add the sugar and the tomatoes, cover the pan and let it cook for about 45 minutes.
After the chicken is cooked, you add the peas and you cook them until little liquid remains.